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The Enhancing Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability in Higher Education in Africa (EEIS-HEA) – project, 2017-2021, is a collaboration between 5 universities in Africa and 5 universities in Europe.
The main aim of the project is to initiate sustained educational change in the 5 African universities, by redesigning chosen curricula to become ‘best practice’ examples with regard to contents, approaches to teaching and learning and methods of delivery.

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Africa is endowed with a huge proportion of natural resources, including many dynamic young people who find themselves un- or underemployed, no matter what degree of education they have undergone. Higher education institutions (HEI) in the continent face challenges such as, weak links to the wider socio-economic context, textbook based curricula that do not address local socio-economic problems and inefficient pedagogical methods of teaching and learning.
This project is designed to reform Higher Education (HE) to ensure curricula that are highly relevant to the contemporary economic and social needs of Africa, equipping graduates with skills and competences for employability and self-employment. The project involves trans-African and trans-continental cooperation between HEIs in East and West Africa and in the EU, as well as local cooperation with external stakeholders.
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